
Go to App Store Measure the distance (in a straight line) between two places using your Apple Watch. Save the current position in the app then go to the destination point and read the distance from your Watch, this application implements Complications so you can read live the distance straight from […]

Rangefinder for Apple Watch

 . ­ Go to App Store You have friends abroad and you want to know immediately what time it is in theirs country/city or maybe you are organizing a call with a client or co-workers who are in different time zones, this application is for you. Just enter name and […]

Time Friend for Watch

go to App Store Do not waste time figuring out the current date! See the full date (day, month, year), week number, day of year right on the Apple Watch. The application created especially for Apple Watch, allows you to read the full date, week number and day number in […]

Full Date for Apple Watch

Go to App Store (version to learn German) Go to App Store (version to learn Spanish) Get the most out of your Apple Watch to learn German or Spanish. Learn words with the method of flashcards, invented by Sebastian Leitner, which is one of the most effective methods of learning […]

Flaschcards for Apple Watch

Zobacz w App Store Dzięki tej aplikacji szybko nauczysz się angielskich słówek metodą Fiszek- jest to jedna z najskuteczniejszych metod nauki wymyśloną przez Sebastiana Leitnera. Aplikacja oparta jest o system z 5 pudełkami/przegródkami. Wykorzystaj w pełni potencjał swojego zegarka do nauki angielskiego Ucz się wykorzystując algorytm Leitnera – to jest […]

Fiszki na Apple Watch

  Go to App Store If you are planning a stay in Poland, this is undoubtedly an application for you, thanks to which it will be easier to plan your shopping. From March 2018, there is a ban on Sunday trading in Poland. Each month, the shops are open only […]

Trade Ban in Poland for Watch

CryptoCoin Watch for Apple Watch   This Watch app displays price of your favourite cryptocurrency in your local currency. It’s displayed on your Watch face (in complications) so you can get it at the glance. Your Watch connects with every 10 minuts to get most actual ticker.       […]

CryptoCoin Watch for Apple Watch

Facebook Likes Counter for Apple Watch Go to App Store This simple app display on your Watch face(complications) numbers of Likes of your favourite Facebook post. Likes number means summary of all reaction (LIKE, LOVE, WOW, HAHA, SAD, ANGRY, THANKFUL) Your watch need to be connect with ypor IPhone to […]

Facebook Likes Counter for Apple Watch

Storm Alert For Apple Watch  –   go to App Store Observe trends of barometric pressure change on your Apple Watch. This app works only with Apple Watch and need IPhone 6 or later.     You can see trends of atmospheric pressures change on your watch complications. You do […]

Storm Alert for Apple Watch

  Sun Compass for Apple Watch Easily find direction to the North using Apple Watch. Just use Digital Crown (on your Apple Watch) to point marker to the Sun and app shows you direction to the North. It looks and feel like real compass, You do not need GPS and […]

Compass for Apple Watch

Raz do roku stajemy przed powracającym problemem gdzie leżą groby naszych bliskich. Ta aplikacja rozwiązuje ten problem dzięki wbudowanemu GPS w twoim telefonie zapamiętuje współrzędne geograficzne grobu i następnym razem nie będziesz już błądził po cmentarzach. Możesz zrobić zdjęcie nagrobka i dodać opis tak byś mógł z łatwością go wyszukać, […]

Znajdź grób

This is an application which teaches you how to drive a car gently and economically. You only need to install your iphone in the handle and run this application. Try to drive a car so gently that the virtual water in the virtual glass does not spill out. When you […]


This app generates cool looking Cloud from the words most used in tweets from people you are following on Twitter. Take one look at this Cloud and see what is happening, what is important and what is most discussed now on Twitter. You can also see who is the most […]


It’s very simple app to use. You can easily remember the position of your favorite places like car on parking, grave on cemetery, hides in forest etc. Just take the photo and add description – this app saves the GPS coordination of this place. Next time when you want to […]

Remember The Place